I don't even know


Here's a thing.

I just finished reading I Kill Giants by Joe Kelly and JM Ken Niimura.

It was incredible.

Links & Supplies

I put up a new page with links to some stuff that I find inspiring. You should check them out!

This week I picked up some watercolors and a couple of new art pads, so this coming week should full of new posts.

Also, I sometimes have a hard time coming up with ideas or what to draw about! I know like two people read this, but give me your suggestions and/or requests! It would be much appreciated.

A Difference of Opinion, or I'm Back!

Here's a little comic I did today.

Drawings today soundtracked by Tetrastar.

In other news I got all my hair off, as evidenced here:

More stuff to come later today, I think.

A Couple Of Things

I haven't drawn anything yet this week! Boo on me. I will remedy this tomorrow with vigor.

I would however like to share some things! Sharing is caring.

I have been absolutely devouring the manga series Bakuman.

The book is written by the same mysterious Tsugumi Ohba of Death Note fame. The writing is just amazing, and balances all the elements of a story I wouldn't be interested in otherwise incredibly well. The book is about two 9th graders who want to become famous manga creators, which sounds pretty boring - but it is executed by someone with a clear mastery of storytelling. It's the bomb, is my point.

Additionally, this is my favorite cover song of all time: